Sami Savolainen, HLL


Helsingin Yliopisto, Hammaslääketieteen lisensiaatti v.2000

American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry Akkreditointiohjelma 2012 -


ESCD, European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry

AACD, American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry

Esteettisen hammashoidon jatkokoulutus 2010-2014:

AACD Accreditation Workshop Bradley J. Olson, DDS

AACD Cosmetic Dentistry Criteria Workshop Bradley J. Olson, DDS

Shade Science and Common Shade Taking Errors, Martin R. Mendelson, DDS

Clinical Communication for Esthetic Case, Lee Ann Brady, DMD

Composite Restoratives, Brian P. LeSage, DDS, Beverly Hills Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry

Replacing Mother Nature Through Layering, Contouring, and AppropriatePolishing with Composites, Brian P. LeSage, DDS, Edward A. McLaren, DDS, Director of UCLA Center of Esthetic Dentistry

Contemporary Approach to Smile Design, Wells/David A. Garber, DMD/Eric Van Dooren, DDS/Christian Coachman, DDS, CDT

Timeless Principles in Esthetic Dentistry Finlay/Dawson/Cranham, DAWSON ACADEMY, FL, USA

All Ceramic Restorations in the Esthetic Zone, Brian LeSage, DDS, Beverly Hills Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry

How to Create Exception Looking Provisionals, Lerner, DDS

Photography Hands On Workshop, Bred Magnuson, DDS

Composite Artistry Workshop, Jackson, DDS

Role of TEAM in Reconstructive Esthetic Dentistry, David A. Garber, DMD, Maurice A. Salama, DMD

Creating a Perfect Gingival Line: Esthetic Analysis and Clinical Procedures, Kwanghyo Kim, DDS, PhD

Color in Esthetics: Myths and Facts, Rade Paravina, DDS, PhD, UTHealth School of Dentistry, TX, USA

Systems for Predictable Outcomes with the "Smile Design", Michael Sesemann, DDS

Progressive Smile design with the Inman Aligner, Tif Qureshi, DDS

Ceramic Bonding; tips to bond veneers, Crowns, Onlays, Giorgio Tessore, Professor at Turin Dental School

The indirect restoration in esthetic area: from wax-up to adhesive cementation, Alessandro Lorio Siciliano, DDS

Nature of using direct and indirect composite resin restorations, Francesco Mangani, Professor, School of Dentistry Tor Vergata University, Rome

White and Pink Esthetics, Stephen Koubi, Associate professor in University of Marseille